Secrets in Your Data

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Computer History Museum Tour (NOVA Education)

I was lucky enough to visit the CHM last year in person, it is GEEK NIRVANA! The Video just doesn’t do it justice, but it is better than never seeing this wonderful museum.

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One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974) | RetroFocus

This was recorded in 1974 and it amazes me how right Arthur C. Clark is about his predictions he makes for the future.

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STEM Schools Named

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Mixed reactions from D’Youville students after AI robot is commencement …

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The map of Mathematics

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How a loophole deprives foster children of benefits

Just watched this Sunday Morning story…just one more way the Government let’s the kids in foster care down!

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How NASA is Hacking Voyager 1 Back to Life – IEEE Spectrum

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Teaching Binary (powers of two)

A classic example!

2^0, or 2 to the power of 0, is equal to 1.

The paper folding example illustrates the concept of exponential growth. Imagine folding a paper in half repeatedly:

  1. Fold 1: 2 sheets (2^1)
  2. Fold 2: 4 sheets (2^2)
  3. Fold 3: 8 sheets (2^3)
  4. Fold 4: 16 sheets (2^4)
  5. Fold 5: 32 sheets (2^5)

And so on…

But what about Fold 0? That’s where 2^0 comes in! With no folds (2^0), you have 1 sheet of paper.

This example helps visualize how exponential functions work, and how 2^0 serves as the base case, equal to 1.

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Amazon Future Engineer | Homepage – Amazon Future Engineer

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