NXT Resources

Thanks to Dan from Triangle Amateur Robotics here is a resource list for NXT Robots:

For the mechanical/LEGO techniques side of things, start with Tora No
Maki (this recently became available in book form, but you can still
download it legally and free – the author asks for a donation if you
use it): http://www.isogawastudio.co.jp/legostudio/toranomaki/en/download.html

Some handy NXT resources:
NXTStep blog: http://www.thenxtstep.blogspot.com/
NXC (C-style programming language):
http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/nbc/ http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/
mindboards: http://mindboards.sourceforge.net/
Tinkernology blog: http://tinkernology.blogspot.com/

CAD options (my guess is that there won’t be time for saving designs
from the camp, but these could still come in handy – they’re widely
used for piecing together designs without parts handy, and can be used
for making instructions as well):
LDraw/MLCAD: http://www.ldraw.org/
LDD: http://ldd.lego.com/

I’m not sure where to find the official rules for the sumo robots
they’re making but you can check out some examples:
NXTLog (LEGO’s official repository for kid’s NXT creations) sumo
creations: http://us.mindstorms.lego.com/en-us/community/nxtlog/DisplayProjectList.aspx?tag=sumo
One set of rules: http://web.mac.com/aklego/Sumo/Rules.html

NXT Programs (one-kit models/programs/instructions for all versions of the NXT kits – also noteworthy for the instructions being actual photos taken while taking the models apart): http://www.nxtprograms.com/

Sure to be of use down-the-road as kids inevitably lose parts:
BrickLink (Buy/sell individual parts online): http://www.bricklink.com/
LEGO Education (frequently has parts and kits not available through regular stores, such as the Education edition kit the camp is using): http://www.legoeducation.us/store/

Some more general LEGO links
Brickset (set image/review database): http://www.brickset.com/
Peeron (set inventory/instructions database): http://www.peeron.com/inv
LUGNET (LEGO User Group NETwork – includes a number of databases, resources, and newsgroups): http://www.lugnet.com/
MOCPages (social network for sharing creations): http://www.mocpages.com/
BrickShelf (image hosting for creations – you can sort by theme to filter for Mindstorms and Technic): http://www.brickshelf.com/

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