Back on Dec 12, 2023, I participated in a webinar sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) entitled Re-Envisioning Robotics in Precollege Engineering Education.
Here is the description of the talk:
Join us for a free webinar on December 12, 2023 at 2:00 PM, ET that will share findings from a collective partnership between e4usa and FIRST Robotics Competitions that works to engage more pre-college students and teachers in STEM robotics programs. Working together with a cohort of teachers from across the country has allowed the research team to identify barriers to participation, while developing novel strategies to overcome these challenges. This includes a set of emergent blended e4usa-FIRST models and the launch of a new open source engineering education platform called the Experiential Robotics Platform. This session will share the team’s findings to date and provide available techniques and resources to support more pre-college students and teachers with access to STEM robotics programs. |
It was presented by Adam Carberry (Ohio State University) and David Rogers (DEKA Research). If you are not familiar with DEKA, it is a company founded by Dean Kamen, who also is the founder of FIRST robotics.
After the meeting all the materials were shared (and now I share them with you):
Webinar Materials:
Video links used during the presentation:
- XRP Assembly and Software, Starter Guide: https://youtu.be/JQyKhzlMSms?si=2h27hzeQDARNlwkV
- XRP Movement Guide, Using the XRP Code Editor: https://youtu.be/jHKAQSRTRaM?si=5-e7UUfskVzU6f0O
- XRP Delivery Challenge Guide, Using Servo and Sensors: https://youtu.be/DH_uv6ndZF0?si=dVSubIZ-od7qs5Bx
Links shared in the chat:
This webinar is part of a larger series on building community and reflecting to re-envision in engineering education. This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-1733004. Find more details on the remaining webinars here.All webinars can be found on demand on ASEE Learning’s website here.
After the meeting, I reached out to David and, since I am the Robotics Education Director for the West TN STEM Hub, we started talking about a collaboration and he was gracious enough to actually send me a XRP Robot for me to experiment with (I will post more as I get to play with it).
Pingback: XRP Robot (Part 2) | Dan Kohn's Blog
Pingback: XRP Robot (Part 2) | Dan Kohn's Blog