The Computer History Museum

If you could not tell, I was recently in California for the 2023 Cisco Networking Academy Partner & Instructor Conference. While there, I also was able to visit the Computer History Museum (CHM) and scratch it off my bucket list.

I have posted a number of the videos from the museum in posts below, but I also wanted to post a few pics that I took while there:

Above is me with “Shakey”, one of the first autonomous path finding robots. I remember watching a NOVA on this robot and now I work with robots! Couldn’t resist taking this photo!

For those into computer history, you will probably recognize two panels from ENIAC, one of the first all electronic computers. Again being a computer history geek, I couldn’t help but to take a picture!

If you are ever in Mountain View, CA and are a computer nerd like me, I strongly encourage you to go to this museum and see it for yourself. I actually went through the exhibits three times and saw something I missed each time! This is geek heaven! I just wish the IBM 1401 and PDP-1 Demos were live when I visited (but it was still neat seeing these old restored computers).

Can’t get to the Computer History Museum to see the exhibit in person. Click HERE to go through the exhibit virtually.

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